I love this collection so much. I mean does it not make you want to take all of it home to love and nurture and give it little things to eat in the privacy of it's own private cubby? It's cuteness is almost sickening, in a good way. Like the butterflies you get just before eating a delicious looking pie that someone else might want to eat. Or when you are waiting behind someone for a car park and there is always this ~tension~ as to whether or not some rogue vehicle is going to whiz in front of you and park there.
Does anyone else feel this way about Meadham Kirchoff??? Because we should probably form a cult if you do.
If you don't feel like this, don't worry. You shouldn't be taking this too seriously as I am terminably insane, but then again, if you don't like this collection, tell me and I will be forever happy knowing that there is someone crazier than me in the World.